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Our First Practical It's not the DOG we're TRAINING | Dog Obedience Class with Katie and Dean Shannon

The anticipation was palpable as we gathered for our first practical dog obedience class with Katie and Dean Shannon, the authors of It’s Not the Dog We’re Training. For many of us, it was a blend of excitement and nerves, knowing that this new experience was not only novel for us but also for our dogs. The inital dog free class was definatly what was needed to demish "some" of the nerves.

The first class is always the hardest. Our dogs, sensing our anxiety, mirrored us. Yet, there was a sense of unity and shared purpose among us – we were all in this together, ready to embark on a journey of learning new skills.

Katie and Dean began by introducing the dogs to each other, allowing them to touch noses briefly with a " Hello this is Grudge, what's your dogs name?" to get accustomed to their new classmates.

This initial interaction set the tone for the rest of the session – one of patience, understanding, and mutual respect.

The most challenging & confronting part of the class (mostly for the owners) was undoubtedly rolling our dogs. It was uncomfortable for both us and our dogs, pushing us out of our comfort zones. Yet, as Katie and Dean explained, this discomfort is where true learning happens. By sitting in the discomfort, both we and our dogs began to understand the boundaries and build trust.

We then went on to walking on a loose lead. This seemingly simple task proved to be a challenge for many, as our dogs, eager and curious, pulled and tugged in every direction.

Katie and Dean’s calm and reassuring guidance helped us focus , gently correcting our dogs, and rewarding them with priase for their cooperation.

The commands of “stay,” “come,” and “sit” were next.

It was fascinating to see the variety of responses from our dogs – some picked up the commands quickly, while others took their time, needing extra encouragement and practice.

Through it all, Katie and Dean emphasized the importance of consistency and positive reinforcement, reminding us that learning is a gradual process.

By the end of the class, a transformation was evident.

Our dogs, who had started the session with nerves and uncertainty, were now more relaxed and at ease.

We, too, walked out with a sense of accomplishment and newfound confidence.

As we gear up for this weekend’s classes,

we hope everyone got just 1-2 minutes a day to practice the new commands, continue rolling your dogs, and take pride in the progress made.

Remember, each step forward is a victory, no matter how small. Your dog walked out of last week’s class more relaxed, and so did you. You did it!

See you this weekend, ready to build on what we've learned and continue this incredible journey together.


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